Hi readers , Hope all are doing great !!
With the onset of new year and new beginning in my carrier I intend to be more active on medium and share my learnings with my readers and also learn from them as the famous saying goes “Learning never exhausts the mind”.
So to start with I have learned or may be I should say heard about few of the tech stack tools which i feel worth sharing for the name sake but surely will add up more content as I proceed .
1: Micronaut with Java 17
2: Kubernetes cluster management and Ingress
3: Kong Api Gateway
4: Gitlab CI/CD
5: Terraform
6 : Apache Ignite
7: Istio (Service Mesh)
8: Backstage
9 : Mattermost(Collaboration tool)
10: Open Banking Paradigm
11: Helm Chart
12: Devsecops
13: Vaults to manage Kubernetes Secrets
14: Ory Hydra
15: GraphQL
16: Skaffold
17: ArgoCD
I would be posting a brief and for some detailed understanding on the above listed topics in my future post and shall be also sharing some great design pattern to follow along while we develop microservices stack .
Keep sharing , Keep Learning !!!
Cheers !!